Fluorinated polyimide (CPI) is a key material for flexible screens, and there is a huge demand in the field of flexible screen displays, such as foldable mobile phones, foldable computers, and curlable screens (external wall screens, wearable, in car, irregular screens, etc.).
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  • Release time : 2023-08-28
  • Detailed Description


Product Summary:


Fluorinated polyimide (CPI) is a key material for flexible screens, and there is a huge demand in the field of flexible screen displays, such as foldable mobile phones, foldable computers, and curlable screens (external wall screens, wearable, in car, irregular screens, etc.). Only Sumitomo in Japan, DuPont in the United States, and Cologne in South Korea can produce this material in large quantities. Domestic use of this material is completely dependent on imports, and the price is very expensive. In the trade war between Japan and South Korea, one of the three raw materials banned by the Japanese government from South Korea is fluorinated polyimide, which has caused a huge shock to the semiconductor industry in South Korea. This product is a true "bottleneck" product in China.


chemical substances:


Fluorinated polyimide [1] is synthesized by polymerizing a bis (3, phthalic acid) hexafluoropropane and a gas amine (such as 4,} 4 'diaminobiphenyl ether) or a fluorinated diamine (such as 2, 1f}, a bis (trifluoromethyl} r} r diaminobiphenyl ether) in dimethylethylenediamine, followed by high-temperature dehydration and phthalimidization. The main chain structure of the polymer scans the phthalimide group and combines with fluorinated groups at the same time. It has excellent physical properties such as heat resistance, oxidation resistance, solubility, formability, high temperature resistance, and electro-optical properties. It is suitable for... Used as adhesive, coating, matrix resin, electrical insulation film with UV resistance and heat aging resistance. Transparent film, high-strength fiber, new electronic and optical communication components.

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